Our Services

>Our Services
Our Services 2018-05-18T11:06:36+00:00

Today, Terra provides a one-stop centre offering a full range of advanced technical services ranging from inspection, assessment, diagnosis, remedial proposals and rehabilitative solutions as well as periodic maintenance programmes.

Terra Robotic CCTV Inspection

Full range of Robotic CCTV crawlers from 100mm – 2000mm with inclinometer to assess integrity of pipelines complete with WRc compliant technical fact finding reports.

Terra High Pressure Hydro Jetting & Blasting

High Pressure Water Jetting & Blasting to clean & remove clogged blockages in “no man” entry pipelines.

Terra UV-CIPP System

Advanced cure-in-place pipe repair and rehabilitation system.

Terra Waste Water Desludging

High capacity tankers and pumps to remove excessive build-ups, overflowed and blockages of sewage & waste water – individual septic tanks, Industrial STPs & oxidation ponds.

Terra Confined Space Vacuum Whack

Ultra high pressure vacuum for effective removal of debris, oil & sludge to restore efficient flowrates.

Terra HD Advantex® Patch Repair System

Quickly repairs & creates a structural waterproof seal in the damaged section of pipelines.

Terra Robotic Sewer Rehabilitation

High power precision robotic lateral cutting to effectively remove tree roots, infiltration, cement & other solid obstructions.

Terra M&E End-To-End Rehabilitation

Full spectrum of services covering control panels to blowers & pumps rehabilitation works.

Terra Manhole Detection & Rehabilitation

Precision ferromagnetic detector provides precise location of missing manholes.